Life is a Bicycle is an inspiring philosophy of success designed to help you discover your true north of professional endeavor or in essence - your authentic and unique individuality.
Life is a Bicycle "is the 'What Color is your Parachute?' of the 21st Century. Very insightful and a wonderful metaphor in using the bike." --- M. Carrier/goodreads' review
By employing the metaphysical bicycle (a construct devised by the author so one can easily remember the necessary elements of success) with Russian philosopher Lev Shestov's concept of 'taking a pilgrimage through great souls', (quotes from great men and women) the reader explores and answers three key philosophical questions:
1. Who am I? 2. What am I? 3. Where do I belong?
The purpose of the book is to bring the reader to a point where they can emphatically say they live a life true to their inner essence which is full of contentment, passion, and joy.
Whether you are a graduate choosing a major, a professional deciding on a career, or anyone wishing to get from life their very best - Life is a Bicycle helps you to discover what you were elegantly engineered and uniquely designed to do in this world.
“To be yourself is the greatest privilege of life.”
“If I am not I, who will be?”